Natural Fertility Workshops – Yoga, Meditation & Nutrition for Fertility in San Diego

Yoga for Fertility & Meditation for Fertility & Fertility Foods

After our successful 1st Natural Fertility Workshop *Mind*Body*Yoga*Fertility we have been asked to keep offering these Fertility Workshops every quarter. We believe there is a need for more information about natural fertility options in San Diego and we would like to help and offer information for anybody trying to conceive who would like to enhance their fertility and achieve a healthy pregnancy.

The workshop;s structure will be the same: Yoga for fertility, guided imagery fertility meditation with optional acupuncture for maximum relaxation, talk about nutrition and fertility foods and of course, FAQ where you could ask everything you always wanted to know. It is going to be focus on female fertility. And of course, there is no need to be diagnosed with a fertility condition to attend. The information is beneficial for anybody trying to conceive.

Please read below for information, dates and upcoming locations! For registration, email with date/location of your choice.


Saturday, October 19th 2013 ~ Natural Fertility Workshop *Mind*Body*Yoga*You

Fertility Workshop San Diego

Location: Hapa Yoga 

Cost: $30 for public / $20 for members of Reproductive Wellness & Hapa Yoga

Space is limited. RSVP emailing ana@reproductivewellness .com

2.00pm – Welcome & Registration
Our main intention is for you to relax during this Fertility Workshop. Please email for registration. All participant will receive an eBook with all the workshop information after attending.

2.15pm – Introduction & purpose
Dr. Marc Sklar from Reproductive Wellness will introduce the team and review the methods and benefits of natural treatments for improving fertility that will be covered during the workshop.

2.30pm – Yoga for Fertility (50’)
Arati Lane, certified RYT prenatal & postnatal yoga instructor teaching yoga since 1989, will be guiding you in a 50 minute practice. You will learn different asanas to help improve fertility, relieve stress, and improve circulation to your reproductive system.

3.30pm – Guided Imagery Fertility Meditation + Relaxation acupuncture treatment (30’)
Joanna Yanez, LMT specialized in Maya Abdominal Massage, will be leading an Imagery Meditation.
Marc Sklar, Acupuncturist & Fertility Specialist from Reproductive Wellness, will be practicing auricular acupuncture to help you get a deeper meditation (acupuncture treatments are recommendable to help you relax but OPTIONAL)

4.00pm – Nutrition & Lifestyle Tips (30’)
Marc Sklar, LAc, will talk about fertility foods, natural supplements to enhance fertility …

4.30pm – Sex Tips and your BBT  *SPECIAL PART!!

Learn more about Basal Body Temperature, and the sex tips “Do’s and Don’t’s” to enhance fertility…

5.00pm – Questions & Answers



Saturday, November 2nd 2013 ~ Natural Fertility Workshop

Fertility Workshop San Diego

Location:  Birth Education Center

Cost: $30 for public / $20 for members of Reproductive Wellness

Space is limited. RSVP emailing ana@reproductivewellness .com

3.00pm – Welcome & Registration
Our main intention is for you to relax during this Fertility Workshop. Please email for registration. All participant will receive an eBook with all the workshop information after attending.

3.15pm – Introduction & purpose
Dr. Marc Sklar from Reproductive Wellness will introduce the team and review the methods and benefits of natural treatments for improving fertility that will be covered during the workshop.

3.30pm – Yoga for Fertility (50’)
Dawn Dickerson is the owner of Mamas & Milk and yoga teacher for The Birth Education Center, supporting women and their families on their journey through pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding.You will learn different asanas to help improve fertility, relieve stress, and improve circulation to your reproductive system.

4.30pm – Guided Imagery Fertility Meditation + Relaxation acupuncture treatment (30’)
Joanna Yanez, LMT specialized in Maya Abdominal Massage, will be leading an Imagery Meditation.
Marc Sklar, Acupuncturist & Fertility Specialist from Reproductive Wellness, will be practicing auricular acupuncture to help you get a deeper meditation (acupuncture treatments are recommendable to help you relax but OPTIONAL)

5.00pm – Nutrition & Lifestyle Tips (30’)
Marc Sklar, LAc, will talk about fertility foods, natural supplements to enhance fertility …

5.30pm – Questions & Answers


Do you have questions after reading this article? Please let us know! Leave a comment below, we would love to give you some answers!

If you would like to know more, here is what you could do:
  1. Download our s about fertility, reproductive health, pregnancy and postpartum 
  2. If you like to watch some of our awesome videos, follow us on.
  3. We always share the most up to date information on Facebook. Don’t miss out!
  4. If you are ready to discuss your needs, we are ready to listen.
    If you are not in San Diego, we offer skype and phone consultations. Give us a call! 858 381 2281

1 thought on “Natural Fertility Workshops – Yoga, Meditation & Nutrition for Fertility in San Diego”

  1. Want ti join this course .Let me know if you conduct any workshop in Mumbai , India

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