Low Testosterone or Andropause

Male Menopause aka Andropause

Male menopause refers to changes in males somatic and endocrine systems. These changes can cause sexual dysfunction, loss of muscle mass, decreased bone density, fat mass increase, cognitive impairment and loss of body hair. Hormone changes are a natural part of aging. Sex hormone changes in males occur gradually — over a period of many years.


Here’s what to expect, and what you can do about it. Testosterone levels vary among men. In general, however, older men tend to have lower testosterone levels than do younger men. Testosterone levels gradually decline throughout adulthood — about 1 percent a year after age 30 on average.

If you are concerned you may be suffering from Andropause fill out this questionnaire:

Androgen Deficiency in Aging Males (ADAM) Questionnaire. The ADAM questionnaire was developed by Morley et al. (2000) as a quick screening method for determining which male patients require laboratory evaluation for hypogonadism. While it is a useful tool that is able to identify hypogonadal males, a recent study concluded that it cannot definitively establish hypogonadism and hence cannot replace laboratory evaluation (Tancredi et al., 2005). A positive answer to either question 1 or 7 below, or any three of the remaining questions necessitates further evaluation of serum androgen levels by a physician.

1. Do you have a decrease in strength and/or endurance?

2. Do you have a lack of energy?

3. Do you have a decrease in your sex drive (libido)?

4. Are you more sad and/or grumpy then usual?

5. Have you lost height?

6. Have you noticed a decrease in enjoyment of life?

7. Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports?

8. Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance?

9. Are your erections less strong?

10. Are you falling asleep after dinner?



Lifestyle and Treatment

1. Increase your exercise levels

Exercise levels can be helpful in reducing weight gain, limiting bone loss and decrease stress that accompany the changes related to andropause. Healthy lifestyle choices will also help you maintain your energy and lean muscle mass. Regular physical activity can also improve your mood and promote better sleep. Heavy weight lifting is very beneficial as it helps to increase testosterone levels

2. Diet

Keeping a clean diet is very important to improve testosterone and help regulating andropause. As a rule of thumb:

– Eliminate process food and refined sugars

– Reduce alcohol and caffeine intake

– Eliminate trans and artificial fats to incorporate healthy natural fats (for example increasing the consumption of nuts and avocado)

– Increase red meat intake (grass fed to reduce hormone intake to minimum levels)

Different natural supplements such as Tribulus (500mg/day), Maca and certain Chinese botanical herbs can help men to take control of their hormones. We also recommend Dhea and Pregnenolone in some cases. These two should be regulated by an experienced practitioner and only advised after testing.

3. Support

Men that present with andropause symptoms may struggle with anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia and irritability. Depression in men doesn’t always mean having the blues. You might have depression if you feel irritable, isolated and withdrawn. Other signs of depression common in men include working excessively, drinking too much alcohol, or seeking thrills from risky activities. It is important to seek help from a trained professional to assist during this important change.

4. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is very effective at relieving stress and irritability, treating insomnia, alleviating depression and increasing sex drive. Chinese medical practitioners can also prescribe specific herbs and supplements to help balance hormone levels and reduce symptoms.

If you suspect that you have a low testosterone level, get blood work done to determine your levels. Western doctors may recommend Androgen replacement therapy (ART) . Although, treating low testosterone with hormone replacement therapy is controversial. Testosterone replacement therapy might increase the risk of prostrate cancer or other health problems. Utilizing Chinese medicine and acupuncture has proven to be very effective for men going through these natural changes.

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