Erectile Dysfunction

When we look into men’s health, erectile dysfunction is one of the main topics to discuss. There are two main causes for erectile dysfunction: Psychogenic and Organic. There is a simply way to differentiate between the two causes: if the man wakes up with an erection, that would be an indicator to start considering that his erectile dysfunction is not organic. In that case, we would start looking on the psyco emotional side (anxiety, environment, sexual or intercourse stress…) to see if that can be the main problem causing ED. We would also suggest to get his neurotransmitters tested to analyze what short of imbalance he might have.

When we are talking about Organic Erectile dysfunction (ED) there are different causes to have in consideration:

  1. – Decreased blood flow to the penis or trauma
  2. – Diabetes
  3. – Medication side effects
  4. – Endocrine disorders

Watch this video for more detail information about erectile dysfunction causes. Marc Sklar, Reproductive Wellness clinical director explains different natural solutions to improve ED.

What can be done to improve ED naturally?

– Get enough sleep

– Avoid smoking and alcohol (specially beer)

– Increase exercise. Specially heavy weight lifting

– Express your feelings

– Clean diet: high healthy fat and red meat intake

– Acupuncture and Botanical Herbs (watch this video for herbs recommendations)


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3 thoughts on “Erectile Dysfunction”

  1. My doctor diagnosed – Decreased blood flow to the penis or trauma what to do he is telling me to use injection of trimix until my treatment ends ? is it fine ?

  2. Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, is the inability to achieve a full or consistent erection for satisfactory sexual activity. The problem lies in either not getting enough blood in the penis or the inability to retain it there.

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