Should You Get A Vaginal Steam Bath?

Everybody is talking about Female Herbal Steam Baths, also known as Vaginal Steam Baths or V-steam. We wanted to share with you an article by Lizette Borreli at the .

If you are a follower or our blog and other Reproductive Wellness social media, you should be familiar with Vaginal Steam Baths and how they can improve fertility and other reproductive health disorders. Vaginal steam baths are used to assist in the cleansing of the uterus in conjunction with the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy for the treatment of numerous female symptoms. Such as:

  • Painful periods
  • Dark blood at the beginning or ending of your menstrual cycle
  • Irregular periods
  • Fibroids
  • Cysts
  • Endometriosis
  • Cervical stenosis
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Painful intercourse

Before reading the article, watch this video to understand what is a vaginal steam bath and how can improve your fertility and many other reproductive health conditions. (it is our most popular video on Youtube!!)

*Article by Lizette Borreli

Should You Get A V-Steam? Vaginal Detox Claims To Soothe Menstrual Cramps And Boost Women’s Fertility

When it comes to bizarre beauty treatments, Hollywood’s elite are our guinea pigs ready to try it to love it or hate it. And we’re ready to follow the herd shortly after, especially when it comes to improving sex life. The popular down under treatment, vaginal steaming, commonly known as v-steam, is an ancient Korean treatment that provides a steam facial for the vagina to release toxins. Although there is no clinical evidence to support the benefits of v-steams, there is a surplus of anecdotal evidence that supports its healing powers, from soothing menstrual cramps to boosting fertility in women, but should we all flock together for this trend?

V-Steam: How does vaginal steaming work?

Detoxifying your vagina is exactly how it sounds: While wearing a big tent from the waist down, the woman squats down without underwear over a steaming pot of water infused with therapeutic herbs like mugwort, basil, calendula, oregano, marshmallow root, wormwood, and rosemary, but the two predominant herbs in the steam bath include mugwort and wormwood. During the process, which should last for about 20 to 45 minutes, the v-steam supposedly dilates the blood vessels, increasing blood circulation, providing oxygen, and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles.

Mugwort, according to the American Cancer Society, helps treat stomach and intestinal disorders, including cramps, but it has also been used for menopausal and menstrual complaints, along with infertility. The herb stimulates the production of hormones in order to maintain uterine health, and protects the uterus from ulcers and tumors.

Wormwood, similar to mugwort, has been used to aid digestive disorders and immune system strength, while regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle and hormones. The herb is also considered to be antimicrobial and a sedative that can detoxify the uterus.

The combination of these herbs accompanied with some steam, cleanses, tones and nourishes the cervix, uterus, and vaginal tissues. However, using any kind of fresh herbs can provide different medicinal properties for women.

V-Steam: The Evidence

While this may seem like voodoo medicine to some of you, v-steam supporters have rallied up to highlight its health benefits. Celebrity twin sisters Tia and Tamara Mowry are among many in Hollywood who have tried the beauty treatment, known in Korean as chai-yok. The Mowry sisters were intrigued by the idea of reviving their lady parts when they heard it can improve your sex life.

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