Testicular Cancer and Acupuncture for side effects

Testicular cancer side effects


According to the Mayo clinic, testicular cancer is the most common cancer among American males ages 15-34, although it is rare in comparison to other types of cancer. Testicular cancer can be present in one or both testicles. The testicles are responsible for producing both the male reproductive hormone testosterone as well as sperm.

Although we do not know all of the risk factors involved in testicular cancer, there are some important ones that we can be aware of. The American Cancer Society identifies the most common risk factors as, undescended testicle, family history, HIV infection, carcinoma in situ, cancer of the other testicle, age, and ethnicity (white males have the highest incidence of testicular cancer).

Most often a lump, swelling of the testicle, breast enlargement, or pain (often in the lower abdomen or groin) are the most common symptoms. It is important to see your doctor if you notice these symptoms, and they persist for longer than two weeks.

Testicular cancer is a highly treatable form of cancer and most often has a good prognosis. Testicular cancer can impact male fertility, as it affects the production of sperm, and treatment can affect sperm quality. It is important to discuss this with your doctor.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be a great support for men undergoing treatment for testicular cancer. Some side effects from cancer treatment, such as nausea, vomiting, pain, and fatigue can be eased by regular acupuncture visits, as well as modifications to diet and lifestyle. In addition, Chinese medicine can be helpful in rebuilding immunity after undergoing treatment for cancer.

Maintaining blood flow and circulation is important to keep overall healthy reproductive organs and can help prevent cancer from forming. Regular acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and diet adjustments are important ways to preserve the health of the reproductive system. It is important to do regular self-exams and routine check-ups with your doctor to ensure optimal reproductive health. Learn how to perform a testicular self examination watching this video.

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