How to turn a Breech Baby

Chances to reposition your breech baby are higher if you start ACUPUNCTURE or other oriental techniques such as MOXIBUSTION between 33 and 36 weeks gestation.

According to an Italian study in 1998 by Cardini & Weixin , 75% of breech babies will turn if the procedure is performed between 33 and 36 weeks gestation. In this study there were 260 women in their 33rd week of pregnancy. Half the women received moxibustion (commonly known as moxa for short) treatment for 30 minutes daily for 1-2 weeks, while the other half served as the control with no treatment. During the 35th week, 75% of babies had turned in the moxa group and 48% had turned in the control group.

At Reproductive Wellness we have helped many women with re positioning breech babies. It is important to start helping the baby to turn as soon as you know the baby is coming breech. Acupuncture and other oriental techniques can help the baby, but it might take more than one session to make him or her breech completely before delivery.



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