Fertility can be enhanced by different natural ways. Nutrition, acupuncture, botanical herbs and lifestyle changes are very important when you are struggling getting pregnant. Yoga is also known to help increasing blood circulation to the reproductive system, reduce stress and be beneficial for women trying to conceive. After our First *Mind*Body*Yoga*Natural Fertility Workshop in San Diego (where we dedicated 2 hours 30 minutes teaching women trying to get pregnant different yoga poses, meditation, nutrition tips and acupressure points) we wanted to offer a Fertility Yoga series, easy to do at home, for those who couldn’t attend to the Fertility Workshop. We will publish more dates really soon! We are planning to have a *Mind*Body*Yoga*Natural Fertility Workshop every quarter. If you would like to see the full program for the First Natural Fertility Workshop, please click here. On the following videos, Rachel Keller, Hapa Yoga instructor, will guide you through different yoga poses to help you increasing your fertility. Part I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5OfGZGeQ1w Part II http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BROZ18ivUww Part III http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CH6izrrcmYw
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- If you are ready to discuss your needs, we are ready to listen.  If you are not in San Diego, we offer skype and phone consultations. Give us a call! 858 381 2281
I am trying to conceive. Before planning a baby I used to do yoga exercise. But when we started planning baby, I skip to do yoga exercise because I have doubt can we do fertility yoga post ovulation also? I always have fear that if I do fertility yoga after ovulation then it will hammer on my chances of conceiving. Please help me.
Fertility yoga post ovulation is fine to practice. I only recommend that you do not do any twisting or inversions.